New Audiobook!
Coming soon!

Sunshine: The Golden Age of Hollywood
Written by Hannah Howe
Narrated by Kayla Higbee

‘Sunshine is set during 1939-1945. As her nickname implies, Sunshine is a bright, attractive young woman. With the war raging in the background, Sunshine appears to be coasting through life. However, a major incident makes her stop and reflect. Follow her in this thrilling romance as she battles through the dark days of adversity to find the sunshine on the other side.’

Sunshine: The Golden Age of Hollywood

2024 Radio Play Out Now!

A Theater in the Dark presents:
“Bio-Dad,” a radio play written by Joolz Stroop

“Our main character stumbles across a radio show made by their late biological father. The question of “who was my father” cascades into meeting old friends, enemies, recordings of the man himself through his Sci-Fi Radio Epic “Stranded Under Twin Blood Moons,” and explores the complicated portrait of who Kid’s ‘Bio-Dad’ really was.”

Available for Download or On-Demand Streaming at



Chicago Reader Best of 2023

For her performance as Our Lady of the Scars in The Impostors Theatre’s production of “The Last Living Gun,” Kayla Higbee won runner up for Chicago Reader’s Best Stage Actor of 2023!